Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Betry Langijota Testimony

Betry & his Wife enjoy breakfast at the Wellness Center
I joined the Wellness Program because the Wellness Center did a free health screening where I was eating and found my blood sugar to be over 300. The next morning I came into the Center and signed up for the program. Before I entered this program I’d eat whenever I felt like it and whatever I wanted and I was going blind.

Betry Exercising at the Center
My body fat was high and going to the john was a labor because my diet did not have enough fiber in it. My clothes were getting smaller because I was getting bigger, soon they did not fit at all. I started to have abscess or boils one after the other and wounds were hard to heal. I was in serious trouble. After 6 weeks in the program I can wear my clothes again! I am stronger and my vision has improved. Now my skin is healthy and boil free. I used to have numbness in my hands and feet, not any more! Now I come and exercise every day and really enjoy it. Now my wife and I are enjoying a healthy life together!

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1 comment:

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